English for everyone

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 4

forward 7

Forward 7

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 4 Animal quiz + Workbook

Ex. 1 Look at the pictures of these animals. Do you know what they are called in English? — Посмотрите на картинки этих животных. Вы знаете, как они называются по-английски?

1. cheetah — гепард
2. kangaroos -кенгуру
3. elephant — слон
4. python — питон
5. swallows — ласточки
6. leopard — леопард
7. horses — лошади
8. rhinoceroses – бегемоты (гиппопотамы)
9. giraffes — жирафы
10. cobras — кобры
11. scorpion — скорпион
12. tiger — тигр
13. ostrich — страус
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Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 3

forward 7

Forward 7

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 3 Talking about old times + Workbook

Ex. 1 Rachel and Trevor are interviewing Tony Spratt, a Bristol resident, on his 100th birthday. — Рэйчел и Тревор берут интервью у Тони Спратт, жителя Бристоля, на его 100-й день рождения.
Listen to the interview without looking at the text. Then answer the questions: Was life better when Tony was a young man? Why does he think so? — Послушайте интервью, не глядя в текст. Затем ответьте на следующие вопросы: Была ли жизнь лучше, когда Тони был молодым? Почему он так думает?

Robert: Whose photo album is this? — Чей это фотоальбом?
Tony: It’s mine. – Мой.
Trevor: Can we see it? – Мы можем его посмотреть?
Tony: Yes, of course. – Да, конечно.
Trevor: Whose car is this? Was it yours? – Чья это машина? Она была вашей?
Tony: No, it wasn’t. It was theirs. Lord and Lady Forrester’s. – Нет. Она была их. Лорда и леди Форрестер.
Rachel: You used to work for Lord and Lady Forrester?! – Вы работали на лорда и леди Форрестер.
Tony: Yes, I used to be their chauffeur. – Да, я был их шофером.
Trevor: When were you a chauffeur? – Когда вы были шофером?
Tony: From 1918 to 1950. — С 1918 по 1950 год.
Rachel: What differences are there between life then and now? — Какие различия существуют между жизнью тогда и сейчас?
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Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 2

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Forward 7

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 2 The best way to get to school + Workbook

Ex. 1 How do these people go to work or school? Listen to the sounds. As you listen match sentences 1-7 with pictures A-G. — Как эти люди добираются до работы или школы? Послушайте звуки. Пока вы слушаете, сопоставьте предложения 1-7 с фотографиями A-G.

1-B I go to school by bus — Я езжу в школу на автобусе
2-E l go to school by train — Я езжу в школу на поезде
3-A I go to school by bicycle – Я езжу в школу на велосипеде
4-C I go to work by car – Я езжу на работу на машине
5-F l go to work by scooter – Я езжу на работу на скутере
6-G l go to university by motorbike – Я езжу в университет на мотоцикле
7-D I walk to school – Я пешком хожу в школу
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Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 1

forward 7

Forward 7

Вербицкая М. В. Forward. Английский язык для 7 класса. Unit 1 Comparing schools in different countries + Workbook

Ex. 1 Trevor’s visiting the Forward International Holiday Camp not far from Sochi. He’s interviewing kids from different countries for The RAP survey. – Тревор находится в Международном лагере Форвард недалеко от Сочи. Он берет интервью у детей из разных стран для опроса RAP.
Listen without looking at the text and say which countries the kids interviewed by Trevor come from. — Послушайте, не глядя в текст и скажите, из каких стран дети, опрошенные Тревором.

Trevor: When does school start where you live? – Когда начинаются школьные занятия там, где вы живете?
Ben: I’m Ben. I’m from the UK. We start school in September. — Я Бен. Я из Великобритании. Мы начинаем школу в сентябре.
Maxim: My name’s Maxim. I’m from Russia. We’re back to school in September too, on the first of September. It’s the same day for both schoolchildren and university students all over the country. — Меня зовут Максим. Я из России. Мы тоже возвращаемся в школу в сентябре, первого сентября. В тот же самый день, что и школьники, и студенты высших учебных заведений по всей стране.
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Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is on the third Sunday of June. It is a day to honor Dad. It isn’t just for real dads but for any man who acts as a father figure — stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends.
The first Father’s Day was on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. Sonora Smart Dodd had requested the holiday to honor fathers and it was made official by the mayor of Spokane and the governor of the state of Washington. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day when kids and adults would remember to say thanks to the dads who helped them all year long. She had a special reason to express appreciation to her father, William Smart. Her mother died when she gave birth to her sixth child. So, Mr. Smart had to raise six children by himself. They lived on a farm in eastern Washington. When Mrs. Dodd grew up, she realized what a heroic job her father had done.
In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge recommended that the third Sunday in June be set aside as “Father’s Day” in all states.
In 1972, President Nixon signed a law making Father’s Day an official national holiday.
Father’s Day has crossed national boundaries to become popular in other countries such as Canada and Britain.
Roses are worn to honor Fathers: red for living fathers and white for those who have died. Many families celebrate the day by preparing the father’s favorite meal. Children make special gifts for their fathers.
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The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.
Della felt so bad she sat down on their shabby little couch and cried, but that didn’t help either. Drying her eyes, she walked to the window of the small apartment. The furnished flat at eight dollars per week was all that she and her husband Jim could afford on his weekly salary of twenty dollars.
But tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for her Jim. She had spent many a happy hour planning to buy something nice for him. If she had only been able to save more money, she could have bought something line and rare, something that deserved the honor of being owned by Jim.
Whirling from the window, she stood before the mirror. Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its color. Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.
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Fair’s Fair by Jane Speed

Fair's Fair by Jane Speed

Fair’s Fair by Jane Speed

I knew right away mother had something besides breakfast on her mind when she set a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. I mean it was Saturday. She usually gives that «busy little engines need good fuel» stuff a rest on Saturdays and lets me have whatever I want.
I was still wondering if it would do me any good to point this out to her when Daddy came in and sat down at the table. So I decided to just put a lot of strawberry jam on the oatmeal to pep it up and not say anything. Maybe, if I kept quiet, Mother would halfway forget I was there and go ahead and talk to Daddy about whatever was bothering her. Of course, it might be just bills. You’d be surprised how worked up my parents can get on that subject sometimes.
Daddy drank his juice down in one gulp like he always does and picked up the morning paper. But I could tell by the way Mother was stirring and stirring her coffee that he wasn’t going to get much read.
Sure enough, in about half a minute she said, «Harry —»
He just said. «Mm?» and kept his head behind the paper, although he must have known already that it was a lost cause.
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