Music and society. Биболетова 10 класс
Биболетова 10 класс Unit 1 Section 4 p. 40-42 ex. 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116.
Ex. 111 Read the text and take notes. Give the text a title. See «Learning strategies» «Taking notes from a text» (page 168). Прочитайте текст и сделайте заметки. Озаглавьте текст.
The original title of the article is “Music and society”. – Оригинальное название статьи «Музыка и общество».
Music is a common feature of every culture, and is one of the most popular human interests in the world. People listen to music to suit their mood, or to evoke emotions that they enjoy experiencing at the moment. Music has been composed to accommodate any kind of mood, from the depths of despair to complete happiness.
Music suggests much about the society in which it is created. Whether it is a traditional song, a Strauss waltz, a gospel song or a rock video, music reflects the culture it comes from. It expresses experience as well as affecting it, creating feelings and responses in the listener.
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