English for everyone

The Dog, the Cat, the Ass, and the Cock

The Dog, the Cat, the Ass, and the Cock
The Dog, the Cat, the Ass, and the Cock

Once upon a time, a long while ago, when beasts and fowls could talk, it happened that a dog lived in a farmer’s barnyard. By and by he grew tired of watching the house all night and working hard all day, so he thought he’d go out into the world to seek his fortune. One fine day, when the farmer had gone away, he started off down the road.
He hadn’t gone far when he spied a cat curled up asleep on a door-stone in a farmer’s yard, so he looked over the fence and called to the cat, «I’m going out into the world to seek my fortune. Don’t you want to come along too?»
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Psychology of colour

Psychology of colour
Psychology of colour
There are colours that we like and colours that we dislike. There are colours that make us feel happy and colours that make us feel sad.
Colours can make a big room look smaller or make a small room look larger. They can warm a cool room or cool a hot, sunny one. Warm colours contain red or yellow, and cool colours contain blue. The warm colours seem to bring things closer, and the cool ones tend to make objects seem farther away.
Colours have a strong influence on us. They can affect our moods and personalities, though we don’t always notice it.
Japanese psychologists made an interesting experiment. They asked a group of strangers to walk round two rooms, one painted red and the other blue. They found that in the red room, the people felt comfortable the moment they entered it. They began talking with each other and even laughing. But when they walked into the blue room, they fell silent.
Experiments have also shown that our blood pressure goes up in red surroundings and becomes lower in blue surroundings.
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Mind the Gap. Биболетова 10 класс

Road Rage
Mind the Gap
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (Enjoy English, Unit 4, Section 2, ex. 46, 48, 50 page 139-140)

Ex. 46 Read the text and choose the sentence that best describes its content as a whole. Прочитайте текст и выберите предложение, наиболее подходящее для содержания в целом.
1 This text is about the history of the London Underground. Этот текст об истории лондонского метро.
2 This text is about the phrase “Mind the Gap”. Этот текст о фразе «Mind The Gap».
3 This text is about the strange creatures which live in the Underground system. Этот текст о странных существах, которые живут в системе метро.
Mind the Gap (дословно помните о зазоре\разрыве, напоминание: во-первых о проеме между платформой и вагоном, во-вторых, о перепаде высот между уровнями платформы и полом вагона, в-третьих, отойдите от края платформы)
“Mind the Gap” is not just an announcement that you’ll hear in the London Underground when a train arrives at a station. Much more than just a warning about the “gap” between a carriage and the platform, it’s a phrase that has entered popular culture and has become synonymous with London. More »

London Underground map. Биболетова 10 класс

London Underground map
London Underground map
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (Enjoy English, Unit 4, Section 2, ex. 38, 39, page 137-138)

Ex. 38 Read the text about the London Underground map and tick the points which are mentioned in the text. Прочитайте текст о карте лондонского метро и отметьте пункты, упомянутые в тексте. (Упомянуты все пункты кроме 4).
1 The designer of the map. Дизайнер карты.
2 Other cities’ underground maps. Карты метро других городов.
3 Wrong ways people choose due to the map. Неправильные маршруты, которые люди выбирают из-за карты.
4 A pleasant walk. Приятная прогулка.
5 A kind of competition. Вид соревнования.
6 Helping people to find their way out of the tube. Помогает людям найти выход из метро.
London Underground map
The London Underground map has a classic 20th Century design with a great history of its own. Although it was designed in the 1930s, the original is still used today with few modifications. More »

From here to there. Биболетова 10 класс

From here to there

From here to there
Биболетова 10 класс перевод предложений (Enjoy English, Unit 4, Section 2, ex. 27, 29, 30, 32, page 134-135)
Ex. 27 Listen again and mark the statements true (T) or false (F). Послушайте снова и отметьте правда или неправда.
1 Burgh Island is in the south of England. (T) Бург-Айленд находится на юге Англии.
2 The smaller building is a hotel. (F) Меньшее здание – это отель.
3 It is impossible to get to the island on foot. (F) Невозможно добраться до острова пешком.
4 The Sea Tractor runs all day long. (F) Морской трактор работает целый день.
5 The tractor is over 40 years old. (T) Трактор старше 40 лет.
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Education Abroad

Education Abroad
Education Abroad
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (Enjoy English, Unit 4, Section 1, ex. 14, 16, 17, page 131-132)

Ex. 14 Read the following information and answer these questions. Ознакомьтесь со следующей информацией и ответить на эти вопросы.
• Where does the information come from? How do you know? Откуда взята информация? Как вы узналли?
• What is the purpose of the text? Какова цель текста?
• Which of the speakers from Ex. 4 does it refer to? К кому из упражнения 4 это относится?
Education Abroad
The value of a student exchange between foreign families is an experience of a lifetime. The mixing of cultures and backgrounds provides young people with an unforgettable awareness and a lifelong appreciation of each other. Everyone in the family, in fact, benefits from this new understanding and friendships start.
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Progress check Unit 3. Биболетова 10 класс

Ancient Egyptian Electricity
Progress check Unit 3. Биболетова 10 класс, page 125 — 127.

1 a) Listen to a part of a radio programme and make notes on the following: Послушайте часть радио программы и запишите следующее:
1. Date of the event: the 22nd of September. Дата мероприятия: 22 сентября
2. Name of the event: International Car Free Day. Название мероприятия: Международный День без автомобиля
3. Number of people: 100 million. Количество человек: 100 миллионов
4. Number of cities: 1,500. Количество городов : 1500
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