English for everyone

Enjoy English 10 Unit 3 Section 1

enjoy english 10

Биболетова 10 класс
Enjoy English 10 Unit 3 Section 1 ex. 25, 27, page 94 -95)
Ex. 25 Read the teenagers’ discussion and fill in the gaps with the expressions from the Dialogue vocabulary. Use your Workbook. Then listen to the recording and practice saying the sentences. Прочитайте дискуссию подростков и заполните пропуски, используя выражения из лексики для диалога. Затем послушайте запись и повторите предложения.

Mary: (1) What did you think about the latest programme “Prehistoric Journeys”? I watched it with interest (2) because it seemed to me that the discovery they described is of great scientific importance. (Что ты думаешь о последней программе «Доисторические Путешествия»? Я смотрела ее с интересом, потому что мне показалось, что описываемое открытие имеет большое научное значение.)
Paul: Yes, that’s my feeling too. (3) The reason why I was so impressed is that I had never thought such civilisations could have ever existed on our planet. (4) Would you agree that it’s almost like a science fiction story? (Да, мне тоже так показалось. Может я был так впечатлен потому что я никогда не думал, что такие цивилизации, возможно, когда-либо существовали на нашей планете. Это почти как научно-фантастический рассказ, ты согласна?)
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Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

enjoy english 10

Биболетова 10 класс (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 1, ex. 29, 30, 31, page 95-96, 184)
Ex. 29 Review comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. See “Grammar reference” (page 184).
Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (Сравнительная и превосходная степень сравнения прилагательных)
Common two-syllable adjectives normally take the -er / -est patterns. (к двусложным прилагательным обычно прибавляется – er в сравнительной степени и –est в превосходной. В превосходной степени всегда используется определенный артикль the)
simple — simpler — the simplest (простой – проще – самый простой)
clever – cleverer — the cleverest (умный — умнее – самый умный)

The cleverest solution to any problem is usually the simplest one. (Самое мудрое решение любой проблемы обычно самое простое)
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Mixed conditionals. Смешанные условные предложения

enjoy english 10

Mixed conditionals Смешанные условные предложения
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 2, ex. 57, 58, 59, page 104)
Ex. 57 Read and remember.
When we talk about mixed conditionals, we are referring to conditional sentences that combine two different types of conditional patterns. The most common combination is the Type 3 conditional in the if-clause (if + past perfect) followed by the Type 2 conditional (would + infinitive) in the main clause. With this combination we are contrasting an imagined or real event in the past with the present result of that.

If the Maya had predicted weather changes better, their civilisation would probably survive today.

If Guttenberg hadn’t invented printing with movable type, people wouldn’t be able to publish so many books now.
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Ice cream maker, Toaster. Биболетова 10 класс

Ice cream maker, Toaster
Ice cream maker, Toaster
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 2, ex. 54, 55, page 103)
Ex. 54 Look at the pictures and label the parts of these inventions. Use the words from the boxes below.
Ice cream maker (мороженица, аппарат для приготовления мороженного):
1 handle (ручка)
2 lid (крышка)
3 blade (лезвие)
4 aluminium cylinder (алюминиевый цилиндр)
Toaster (тостер):
1 selector switch (переключатель)
2 timer (таймер)
3 plug (штекер)
4 crumb tray (поддон для крошек)
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Ballpoint pen. Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста

Ballpoint pen
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 2, ex. 51, 52, page 102)
Ex. 51 Change these verbs to nouns and write them down. Use your Workbook.
inform – information (информация), excite – excitement (волнение), improve – improvement (улучшение), imagine – imagination (воображение), manage – management (управление), employ – employment (занятость, трудоустройство), investigate – investigation (расследование), disappoint – disappointment (разочарование), state – statement (заявление, утверждение), explain – explanation (объяснение), collect – collection (коллекция), permit – permission (разрешение), enlarge – enlargement (расширение), punish – punishment (наказание), suggest – suggestion (предложение), measure – measurement (измерение, замер), move – movement (движение), hesitate – hesitation (колебание), govern – government (правительство), create – creation (создание), entertain – entertainment (развлечение), direct – direction (направление), settle – settlement (поселение), arrange – arrangement (договоренность, соглашение), invite – invitation (приглашение), expect – expectation (ожидание), examine – examination (экзамен, экспертиза).
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Technological civilization. Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста

Technological civilization
Technological civilization
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 2, ex. 46, 47, page 100-101)

Ex. 46 Read the texts and check your guesses.
Technological civilisation
We are a technological civilisation and culture. Technology has been with humans from the first use of a stone as a tool and it is impossible to separate technology from our life now. This tool use has since developed to an advanced state, where our human culture is dependent upon the technology that surrounds it. Here are some inventions to consider:
1 (C)
According to legend, the wife of Emperor Huangdi developed silk as an industry about 4,700 years ago. Her name was Xilingshi, and she may be the first ever recorded female inventor. People did not bring silkworms to the West until 550 AD as it was a Chinese secret guarded with the threat of death. Eventually two monks smuggled out eggs and mulberry seeds in hollow bamboo canes. China still produces more silk than any other country.
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Maya civilization. Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста

Maya civilization
Maya civilization.
Биболетова 10 класс перевод текста (“Enjoy English”, Unit 3, Section 1, ex. 36, 37, 38, page 97-98)
Ex. 36 Do the quiz: What do you know about the Mayan civilisation?
1. The Maya were ancient people of
a) Australia b) America c) Asia
2. The Mayan civilisation is considered to have been
a) advanced b) primitive c) strange
3. The Mayan civilisation reached its peak in
a) the 1st century BC b) the 19th century c) 800 AD
4. At its peak the Mayan civilization consisted of
a) 13 million people b) 1,3 million people c) 130 thousand people
5. At the peak of its development the Mayan civilization
a) invented the wheel b) moved to another place c) disappeared
6. The reason for the downfall of Mayan civilisation was
a) climate change b) the war with another civilization c) an unknown fact
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