Hit and Run by Dina Anastasio

Hit and Run

Hit and Run

Hit and Run by Dina Anastasio

Kate and Jim walked to the park,
And on the corner they met Clark.
Clark then walked with Kate and Jim,
And soon they stopped to take a swim.

While at the pool, they all asked Mark
To go with them to the park,
Mark said, sure, he’d love to go,
He’d even bring his best friend Joe.

They all then went to buy some candy,
And Kate saw Mary, Sue and Andy,
Who said they’d like to play some ball
If they could please bring Gail and Paul.

Each one agreed, and off they went,
And soon they met their good friend Kent.
But Kent said no, he couldn’t go
For he was going to the show.

Soon they, all got to the park,
But it was getting very dark,
And Clark and Jim and Sue and Joe
Decided it was time to go.

So they went home, and all the rest
Talked it over and thought it best
To choose two teams and play some ball
Until they couldn’t see at all.

Soon it was time to start the game,
But first the teams each chose a name.
One was “HIT”, the other “RUN” —
Now — how many were on each one?

Hit and Run by Dina Anastasio

(Answer: There were three players on each team)